Today was a very important day on the calendar for bridal shop owners. At 9:30 this morning the doors were opened wide at the Harrogate International Centre to welcome all the buyers who decide which styles to carry in their boutiques. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it, hall after hall of stunning gowns to choose from, but it’s actually a challenge to carefully select the designs we carry to offer to our customers.
What should I add to our existing range of dresses from Charlotte Balbier, Lou Lou Bridal and Madeline Isaac James? A contrast of styles or dresses to compliment? One thing for sure is the Vintage trend is still strong and doesn’t show any signs of vanishing in the near future as pretty soft lace fabrics still dominate most collections.
There was certainly a buzz about the place as models frantically changed from one style to another to show the gowns at their best and buyers clambered for seats at the fashion shows.
I do appreciate how difficult it is to choose your one wedding dress but let me assure you its no easy feat choosing 10 new dresses either, especially when trying to cater for every taste, budget and silhouette,but I can think of worst things to have to do, so I’m not seeking your sympathy here. I love what I do and being surrounded by fabulous dresses everyday is a dream.
All this boils down to is one critical issue, communication. Ladies please speak to the owners of the bridal shops and express your preferences. Tell us what you like….and just as importantly what you don’t like. A constant discussion I have been having over the last 2 months suggests strapless dresses are a thing of the passed and you lovely ladies out there are looking for more coverage. You tell us and we’ll buy with you in mind!
Curious to know which additional label I have fallen for? You’ll just have to pop to The Wedding Room to find out!